1.5.1/2 release
    More disk
  Machine Types
  Dual boot
  Bootable CDROM
Use Upgrade option
  Partition (MacOS)
  NetBSD stuff on HFS
boot (netbsd.ram.gz)
  Open Firmware
  Getting Media
  disklabel wd0
  replace kernel
  boot (Open Firmware)
  Permanent setup in OF
  Hot Keys
Other Sources
  Error Messages
      netbsd: No such ..
      No response
      SIOCGIFFLAGS gm0: Device not ..
      TERM environment variable ..

Use Upgrade option

This particular page is kind of alternative to the whole pages. You may skip this page.

You may employ sysinst with upgrade option to get NetBSD installed from scratch.

Rough recipe is:

  1. Write Label by MacOS Drive setup.
  2. put following two onto MacOS HFS partition
    • ofwboot.elf
    • netbsd.GENERIC_MD.gz
  3. boot with netbsd.GENERIC_MD.gz
    0> boot hd:9,ofwboot.elf netbsd.GENERIC_MD.gz
  4. exit to shell
  5. newfs / and /usr (see newfs page for detail.)
  6. mount target disk onto /mnt
    mount /dev/wd0a /mnt
    mkdir /mnt/usr
    mount /dev/wd0d /mnt/usr
  7. make /etc/fstab
    cat > /mnt/etc/fstab
    /dev/wd0a   /     ffs  rw 1 1
    /dev/wd0b   swap  none sw 0 0
    /dev/wd0d   /usr  ffs  rw 1 2
  8. If you execute sysinst with Upgrade more then one, make sure /etc.old is removed or renamed back to /etc
  9. umount target disk
    umount /mnt/usr
    umount /mnt
  10. invoke sysinst by typing ./sysinst
  11. Take Upgrage at Welcome screen and follows the instruction.
Last Update: Fri, 03 May 2019 15:45:20 GMT 1.66 2008/03/08